Selasa, 05 Desember 2017

Promote Your Business With Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing

SEM is the process of building and marketing a site with the goal of improving its position in search engine results. SEM includes (SEO) and paid search advertising.

Let's take a simple comparison between marketing and advertising:

Direct marketing: You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You went up to her and say "I am very rich. Marry me".

Advertising: You are at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He is very rich. Marry him".

Understand the difference and decide upon your advertising campaign.

Some of the major search engines that dominate the web today are Google, Yahoo, Bing. People search for their needs on the internet via these search engines, before making a buying decision. Hence, SEM is important even if a business does not sell products directly on the internet. It helps to provide your business details to the lead and they contact you for further details.

Search Engine Marketing is the key to success of a business:

A SEO website is a year-round performer, one can achieve more revenue through higher search engine rankings. A keyword analysis is performed for both SEO and SEM, but not necessarily at the same time. How much presence a website has on search engines, can be analyzed through the number of pages of the site that are indexed on search engines (saturation) and how many back links the site has (popularity).

The growing sophistication of search engine software enables to precisely describe the information that we seek. There are 5 - 6 times more online purchases made from traffic delivered by search engines compared to banner advertising. With the help of SEM, traffic to your website increases with increase in ranking. By leveraging search engine marketing, your business will get more leads and able to scale to a greater height.

Although SEM strategy takes lot of time and effort, it is well worth the results which you will achieve. Internet never sleeps, so forget about cold callings and knocking on doors. Someone who is looking for ways to generate online cash must resort to SEM. Unless the famous search engines notice your website; it is useless. As marketers, we should learn how to harness the true power of the online realm, it doesn't matter yours is a small business or a fortune 500 company.

The other important thing to note is that, the quality of traffic from search engines is much greater than from other sources of online advertising. Each search engine has different ways to determine which site will rank well for the keywords used. Search engines are answer machines. When a person looks for something online, it requires the search engines to scour their corpus of billions of documents and do two things - first, it returns the relevant or useful result to the searcher's query, and second, ranks those results in order of perceived usefulness.

Pay per click (PPC) is a marketing system, in which the advertiser pays when the user clicks on advertisement and goes to its site. This is one of the interactive methods compared to paying just for the placement of a banner ad on a web page. PPC advertising has gained profound importance and provides astonishing results to leading companies who are already considered brand names at present. But the fact is that it's not easy to achieve in a PPC campaign if you lack the tactics to stand out. The ad should be designed in such a way that it should have the capability to attract more visitors and make them too keen to know more about it. The relevancy of your ad should be good enough, so that you can display information on numerous pages. If you have brand new site and want to tell visitors about it, pay per click is the best way for you to do it. Pay per click campaign is a very potent weapon in your internet marketing and can generate instant sales, provided it should be in right context.

Social Media Marketing is the best tool for online promotion

Social media marketing is the most powerful communication tool over the internet. When you promote your products and services through social media channels, it definitely helps you so that you can increase your return on investment or ROI. There is no better way or an even cheaper way than a social media channel when it comes to announcing new products or services for your company, it also allows to discover your customer preference which in turn helps you to enhance all your marketing products and plan your marketing campaigns more effectively. Using social media not only increases reliability, but also effectively increases revenue and also number of customers. Even if your business isn't active on social media, your competition almost certainly is. So make the best use of social media marketing and search engine marketing tools for your website promotion.

If your social media marketing is not well planned and executed, it may end in a disaster. Different sites use different social media channels, depending upon the nature of the websites and its products. There is no other better and easy way than the social media sites to inform the customers about arrival or release of new products and services.

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